Vijay Prayag
Crown Director
Global Trip &
Sedan Car Achiever
Mobile: 91 76676 44558

Some networker have a full time job and is doing MLM / NETWORK MARKETING on a part-time basis. So time gives them very little time to spend on network marketing. But this is not a big obstacle to success in Network Marketing / MLM.

It is possible to build a big and thriving network even when you have a full time job. Follow by this 5 simple rules to manage your Network Marketing/MLM Business to build your passive side income that it may even be bigger than what your full time job pays.

These 5 simple rules can help you build your Network Marketing/ MLM business in one hour each day.

1. Get Clear On Your Goal

Before you do anything, make sure that you have your goals set and set deep in your mind. Without a specific clear goal in mind, it is difficult to achieve anything in life. A good goal should be one that is SMART;

S - Specific
M - Measurable
A - Attainable
R - Realistic
T - Time frame given

2. Learn What Produces Results and What Does Not

Know what activities delivers you the results and which ones delivers the best results. Identify them and do these activities again and again and gain. Network Marketing/ MLM is all about repetition and duplication. Successful Marketers only do a few activities and they excel in those activities.

3. Work Your Business First Thing In The Morning

Set aside time for your business in the morning before your go to work. So that you know that your day is fruitful and fulfilling. Don’t leave it to the end of the day when you are tired from work. You have to be disciplined to do this in order to achieve success in the business.

4. Don’t Get Creative

Network Marketing /MLM have existed for a very long time. The ways of doing this business are proven, don’t try to be creative and think of new ways to do the business. Follow the ways that made people successful rather than trying to “reinvent the will”. Leave the creative ideas to people who have time.

5. Create System For Generating Leads

Since you will not have a lot of time to do the business, you should follow a tried and tested system to generate new leads for your business. This gives you more time to do other activities in your to do list. Some ways to generate leads offline are referrals, telemarketing, generating leads online takes less effort and is more dynamic. You can use article marketing, social networking, etc.. to generate your leads.

Earn Unlimited income thro ur part time?
Call Vijay +91 (India) 76676 44558